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Academic Policies

Guidelines for Graduate Programs

The Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources (Statler College) at West Virginia University (WVU) is authorized to admit qualified students to graduate programs that lead to successful completion of the degrees of Masters of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The University Graduate Catalog, and departmental guidelines, describe in detail the minimum College requirements for the above mentioned degrees.

Each department and program within a department may impose stricter requirements than those required by the College. These requirements are listed in the department guidelines and procedures, and are available on the department website to prospective and current students.

WVU Catalog

The West Virginia University Catalog is a general source of information about course offerings, academic programs and requirements, expenses, rules, and policies. In order to reach the goals and fulfill the mission of the University, the courses, requirements, and regulations contained herein are subject to continuing review and change by the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, the WVU Board of Governors, University administrators, and the faculties of the schools and colleges. The University, therefore, reserves the right to change, delete, supplement, or otherwise amend the information, course offerings, requirements, rules, and policies contained herein without prior notice.

Statler College Assistantship Policy

Graduate education is fundamental to West Virginia University and the Statler College research and educational missions. Vibrant and high quality graduate programs are vital to our competitiveness with peer institutions in scholarly publications, external research sponsorship, and national rankings. The recruitment of quality graduate students is critical to meet these missions and will positively impact our graduate programs and the success of our students. To ensure this success the Statler College treats graduate students as junior colleagues and provides them a competitive wage/stipend and expects them to be responsible and professional as well. The policy on Statler College graduate wage and service stipend policy can be found here: Statler College Assistantship Policy

Policy on Masters Degree Coursework Revalidation

Graduate work planned with the student's advisory committee must be satisfactorily completed within a period of eight years, immediately preceding the conferring of the degree. A course taken more than eight years previously must be revalidated if it to be used toward meeting degree requirements. The complete revalidation procedure and policy can be found here: Policy on Masters Degree Coursework Revalidation

Guidelines for Graduates Participation in May Commencement Activities

In order to give public recognition to the work of our graduates who will officially complete all degree requirements following the May Commencement, but before the end of summer (August 15 or thereabouts), the Provost's Office believes students could be permitted to participate in May Commencement under certain conditions. The Statler College has interpreted these conditions and the following is a list of conditions to participate in the Statler College Commencement:

  • The college dean, as certifying officer, has sufficient evidence that he/she believes the student will complete all degree requirements (graduate or undergraduate) by the official August Graduation date. For undergraduate students, this would be limited to eight credit hours or less to complete degree requirements in the summer and an overall GPA and major GPA greater than or equal to 2.10.
  • The student must submit a request to walk at graduation to the Statler College Student Services Office
  • Student must show proof of registration for the summer semester.
  • Graduate students may participate and be hooded if they have successfully defended their thesis or dissertation work even if all follow-up work has not yet been completed, but the dean (and advisor) believes this work will be completed before the official summer graduation date.
  • All requests must be submitted to Student Services, MRB 340, before May 1.
  • Students who participate in May Commencement, but do not graduate until August still must apply for graduation in August.
  • Though they are invited to participate in the ceremony, August graduates will not be included in the May Commencement program. Their names will be listed in the December Commencement program.

Policy for College Approval of Requests for Transient Course Credit

Students may request up to nine (9) credits of coursework to be taken in transient for use toward the degree requirements, defined to include mathematics, science, and Statler College courses. Students may request up to eighteen (18) credits of coursework in total, which includes English, Economics, general education elective courses, and free electives.

An Undergraduate Transient Application will typically be approved if:

  • The student has met all the requirements (rank, prerequisite/co-requisites, etc.) to take the course at WVU
  • The requested course has the same number of credit hours and pre or co-requisites as the WVU course or has otherwise been deemed academically equivalent by Statler College

An Undergraduate Transient Application will not be approved if:

  • The student has previously earned a D, F, or W in the equivalent course at WVU
  • Any online course fails to have proctored exams.
  • Any online course that includes a laboratory component.
  • The student is currently enrolled at WVU to take coursework in the same term/semester in which they are applying to be a transient student at another institution.

Meeting the guidelines for a transient application does not guarantee approval of the transient application. The associate dean for academic affairs has the right to set conditions more stringent than those set forth in these guidelines, as well as the right to limit transient course credit. Transient requests for summer session will be reviewed after April 1.

It is the student's responsibility to have an official transcript sent to WVU after you have completed your course(s). Students need to make sure they meet the residency requirement for graduation: Residency requirements.