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Raphael Oladokun

Raphael Oladokun

Major: Chemical Engineering

Graduation Year: 2026

Hometown: Iseyin, Oyo-State, Nigeria

Phone Number: 304-216-0147



Student Organization Involvement

  • AIChE
  • NSBE
  • IFB

Interests and Hobbies

  • Soccer

Extracurricular Activities

  • Writing research articles 
  • Volunteering 
  • Mentoring 
  • Tutoring 

Fun Fact

I have never boarded a ship before.

Favorite Thing About WVU and Statler College

WVU and the college have resources available for students to succeed throughout their academic journey at this school.

Advice for Prospective Students

Make a difference at every level – departmental, college, and university - within your field and beyond. Also, contribute to society by volunteering. This will not only help you meet new people but also build your network.